Monday, July 23, 2007

Negaraku - take 2

lets take another look at the song 'Negaraku ku'

ok la.. it is actually quite true what the guy is singing in the song but then again truthfully, what can a song do to help the nation? this will only bring more racial dis-harmony if you please...

to quote what Vee of 'V for Vendetta' said, "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. " and indeed ideas are definitely a spark for revolutions

many great revolutions start with just an idea but i'm not gonna delve into that la... too history-ish...

ok la.. lets take a closer look on the song and prove it's truthfulness

1) the traffic police force
yes it's friggin true that they have a sweet tooth n love coffee.. 'kopi lui' nearly always does the job. hell yeah every crazy driver will have a spare RM20 in the pocket for such occasions

2) the governmental office
yes they are really slow in moving around.. it's like the scene in Transformers where Captain Lennox is trying to call over to the Pentagon and is held up by the Indian Receptionist guy...

3) the racist government
yes it's quite true to a certain level la... see those STPM student working their asses off trying to cram everything into their brain and then with 2A and 2B they aren't even given a place in the university. so much for trying. ok la.. metriculasi is open to other races.. 2% only. WOW that's something from the government which had first intentions of having metriculasi fully malay..

4) M'sia a peace n harmonious country
first and foremost, WELCOME TO JB, the land filled with thieves, robbers, rapists and killers. flip the local newspaper and you'll get what i mean. everyday there's a new crime case in Johor Bahru.

anyways.. all in all Malaysia is a growing country and stuff like this happen to growing countries right?? so much for good growth after 50 years of independence... big baby


Malaysia BOLEH!!