Tuesday, September 18, 2007

sports carnival

back to my life i suppose?
so anyways... my body is still kinda aching from the sports carnival last saturday.. ouch
played a game of basketball and 3 games of captain ball.

the funny thing is that we only signed up for captain ball as an event but we wasted most of our energy on basketball which was supposed to kill time in between matches..

crazy ehh?
well our team comprised of me, Gilbert, Wan Jou, Qiu Han, Ying Xia, Keren and her friend, Joshua.

well in the middle of the games Gilbert had to go off to finish his marketing project coz it is worth 10% of the final marks and Keren had to go off to accompany her mom to fetch her brother or something like that.. so we lost our 2 members and got 2 other people to just join in the bandwagon. Allen and another girl.. can't remember her name.. haha =P oopss

so anyways.. we lost all our 3 matches of captain ball.. by the time the third match came, we were all very cui already... my calves were starting to show signs of cramping.. ouch
well, blame it on me being inactive also la... never exercise regularly or anything...

i was told that after we left we were actually given prizes coz we were playing basketball.. no kidding! so it wasn't a total loss.. but anyways.... it's the fun we had that counts right? not the pieces of shiny round plastic bits around our necks yeah? =D