Saturday, August 25, 2007

symphony in my mind

as the road of life is trod upon
visions and dreams and hopes are born
life is but a symphony
we live it out with dignity
in hopes of nations in the future
will sing the songs of yester-years
as now the symphony in my mind
the strums of chords and riffs they bind
the lyrics of hems and haws i once knew
are now in words bound in faith's sinew
i stand with pride and axe in hand
hoping their ears to me they lend
i throw the symphony to the crowd
and hope my axe will make a sound
i hope it leaves a deeper mark
etched deep into the hearts, oh hark
that in the course of this short play
my penny's worth of gifts display
but alas i've not found my tune in perfection
to finally bring this symphony to fruition

will i finally know my reason?


Anonymous said...

*decision's been made*

i love d poem *smiles*